In The Spotlight – Todd Daigle

New Beginnings Family Academy’s whole-child approach supports and nurtures all areas of student’s growth and development, including proper nutrition. With 80% of NBFA students qualifying for free or reduced-price meals, it is necessary to provide healthier meals that students also enjoy. New Beginnings Family Academy (NBFA) sat down for an In The Spotlight interview with Food Service Supervisor Todd Daigle. Daigle spoke on how NBFA provides students with well-rounded nutrition and how healthy meals positively impact students.  
How does NBFA ensure students have nutritious and fresh meals? 

NBFA follows Connecticut’s mandates in regard to healthy food by incorporating whole grain-rich foods, reduced sodium items and fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. We recently renovated our kitchen, enabling us to take control of our menu and create fresh meals that are cooked on-site everyday. The kitchen now features high quality stoves, ovens and a hood fan system.  
Food Service Supervisor Todd Daigle and Cook Jamila Malines in the NBFA School Kitchen. 
How does food impact children during the school day? 

Food has a significant impact on children’s performance and behavior during the school day. A balanced breakfast can improve concentration, memory and mood, while a lack of proper nutrition can lead to fatigue, irritability and difficulty focusing. Healthy snacks and lunches provide sustained energy levels and support cognitive function, whereas sugary or processed foods may cause energy crashes and distractions. Nutritious food choices contribute to better academic and behavioral outcomes for children. 
Why does NBFA make it a priority to include students in the menu development process? 

We greatly value our student’s opinions in developing our menus. We want our students here at NBFA to be excited to come down for breakfast and lunch and look forward to eating some of their favorite items! We conduct surveys with students throughout the academic year on their favorite foods. We also have students come in to try new items and give their feedback before they go onto menus.  
How does NBFA help guide students toward making smart nutrition choices? 

We are an “offer versus serve” school, which means NBFA students are allowed to choose a minimum of 3 items. However, one has to be the fruit or vegetable option. This allows for a more balanced school meal for students. We have worked to expand our offering to include more items that promote healthy eating. 
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An NBFA student enjoys a fresh school lunch with fruits and vegetables. 
What other methods does NBFA use to educate students on proper nutrition? 

The NBFA School Garden, funded by the Whole Kids Foundation, inspires students to learn not only about the joys of gardening but also to develop healthy eating habits that they can share with their families. We use this space as an outdoor classroom setting to give students a better understanding of how certain foods are grown and cultivated. Green spaces in cities are few and far between, so offering NBFA students this experience is an incredible opportunity to help them expand their skills. 
How does NBFA encourage them to make good choices outside of school? 

NBFA students have participated in a basil seed potting project, where students plant basil seeds into biodegradable pots and water them. They take the basil plants home and over the summer they can incorporate them into their family meals. NBFA also produces the NBFA Recipe of the Month series, in partnership with Whole Foods Market, to share delicious recipes that promote nutrition, wellness, and fun collaboration in the kitchen.   
To read more In The Spotlight features, please click here
For more information regarding NBFA’s commitment to promoting nutrition and the NBFA Recipe of the Month series in partnership with Whole Foods Market, click here